Monday, July 8, 2013

What to do after nose lift and nose trim (post-operative instructions)

Follow-up schedule: On the 3rd day for wound dressing On the 7th day for initial stitch removal (noselift) On the 14th day for removal of remaining stitches (trim) Dos: 1. Rest at home for 3 days. 2. High pillows when lying down. 3. Take medications as prescribed. 4. Maintain plaster. 5. May clean incision scabs with moist sterile cotton applicator (hydrogen peroxide and povidone iodine solutions). Don’ts: 1. Eat seafood, “Bagoong”, or any allergic causing food. 2. Drink alcohol or smoke. 3. Sports activity. 4. Sleeping on sides. 5. Wear eyeglasses or shades. 6. Smile, yawn widely, or eat food that requires you to open mouth wide for 2-3 weeks. 7. Stay in polluted places or with kids around. What to expect: 1. It is normal to have a “pinched nose” look for 1 month (for nose trim). 2. Expect minimal pinkish fluid from the incision sites (within 24 hours). 3. Swelling around the eyes are expected up to the 4th day. 4. Swelling of the nose (sides and tip) will last up to 2 months. 5. Follow-up within 3 days in case of displacement (especially the 1st 2months). Notes: These post-op instructions are for consumption of The Asian Tropics Center for Aesthetics and Wellness clients only and shall never, in any way, replace instructions given by your doctors.

5 things you need to know about LIPOSUCTION

1. It is a body contouring or sculpting procedure, not a weight losing or weight reduction treatment. Depending on the area or the number of areas to be liposuctioned, only 500cc to 2000cc of fat can be safely removed. 2. If you are obese, you may be considered as a high risk candidate and may not qualify to undergo liposuction. The reason for this is that chronic medical conditions like diabetes, heart or coronary diseases, metabolic problems, etc. may be present. Effects of liposuction in obese may also not be appreciable. How to compute your Body Mass Index: BMI = (weight in pounds x 703)/(height in inches x height in inches) Example: Height – 5’8″ Weight – 175 pounds BMI = (175×703)/(68×68) = 123025/4624 = 26.60 Underweight <18.5 Normal 18.5 to 24.9 Overweight 25 to 29.9 Obese >30 3. Overzealous removal of fats by the surgeon may result to skin “rippling”. This is caused by excess fat removal making the skin very thin (having less fat) and thus cannula tracks under it become visible (the rippling or multiple wave effect). This may be corrected (not completely) by RF (radio frequency) treatments post-surgery. Being conservative is more prudent than being too aggressive. 4. Several laboratory (blood exams) and ancillary procedures (X-ray and ECG) are usually requested by the cosmetic surgeon prior to liposuction. A cardio-pulmonary clearance from a cardiologist or pulmunologist is requested for those over 30 or 35 years of age. Those younger patients may undergo the same steps if the doctor find it necessary. 5. It will be more safe if your Cosmetic Surgeon is board certified and has a background in General Surgery as he may in good position to handle intra-operative complications especially in abdominal liposuction. The pioneer organization of cosmetic surgeons in the country is the Philippine Society for Cosmetic Surgery (PSCS) founded in 1972. Visit to find members. Posted by Dr. Al Jaafar Board certified, Philippine Society for Cosmetic Surgery Head surgeon, The Asian Tropics Center for Aesthetics and Wellness Quezon City, Philippines +63 918 985 3668

Noselift (Augmentation Rhinoplasty) and Alar Base Trimming (Alarplasty)

Difference between Nose Lift and Alar Trimming 1. Noselift involves raising the bony bridge and soft tip of the nose while Alar Trimming removes a portion of the sides of the wide nostrils or Ala to reduce it. 2. Noselifting uses implants (Silicone or Goretex) or cartilage to achieve the result while Nose Trimming does not. 3. Noselift alone can be done on a subject. In contrast, It is not recommended to do Trimming as a single procedure. Doing Alarplasty alone may lower the nose tip resulting to the flattening and elongated effect of the nose. This may not be aesthetically appealing. Exceptions would be for patients with already high bridge and pronounced tip (rarely seen in Asians). 4. When done simultaneously, the implant is inserted first before trimming in order not to over-correct the removal of excess Ala (sides of the nose). 5. Stitch removal for Noselift is on the 7th day while it takes longer for Alarplasty at 12th-14th day. 6. In Alarplasty, you may be limited by your surgeon to smile or open your mouth wide during recovery period as this may disrupt the approximation of the trimmed Ala. This should last for around 3-4 weeks. 7. Minimal flaring of the Ala may not need trimming because doing the Noselift will essentially reduce by a certain degree the sides of the Ala and the size of the nostrils. The shape of he nostrils will also improve. 8. Alar base trimming or Alarplasty is reserved for disproportionately wide Ala or nostrils or subject to the recommendation of your surgeon. For more details: Al Jaafar, MD FPCS FPSGS DPBCS The Asian Tropics Center for Aesthetics and Wellness Metro Manila, Philippines +63 918 985 3668