Wednesday, June 19, 2013

FAQs in Nose Lift using Silicone implant

Other similar terms: Noselift, nose job, nose augmentation, augmentation rhinoplasty, nose enhancement, nose surgery 1. What is Nose lift? Nose lift is a cosmetic surgery procedure that enhances the nose by increasing the height of the nose bridge including protrusion of the nasal tip. It involves insertion of either a Silicone implant or PTFE (Goretex). Patient's own cartilage (usually from the ears) can also be used. 2. What are the advantages of a Silicone implant? a. It is the gold standard, being used for the past several decades (tried and tested). b. Low rejection rate (<1-2%) c. Best result because it can be carved or shaped according to what fits the patient's features. d. Good lifting effect. e. Body forms a capsule around the Silicone (unlike Goretex which gets integrated with body tissues), thus easier to remove or replace in case patient decides have a new look or shape in the future. Goretex is permanent. f. Lower in price by 1/2 or 1/3. g. Very minimal incisions (barely 40% around the rim of the nostrils). Cartilage requires harvesting a portion at the back of the ear. h. Fast recovery. 3. How long would the procedure take? 1 hour preparation, 30-45 minutes carving, and 30 minutes surgery (incision, dissection, insertion, and suturing). 4. What anesthesia do you use? Local anesthesia injected (with a fine small needle) over the bridge and nostrils. These would probably the only thing you will feel during the procedure. 5. Will I be awake? Yes but you won't feel any pain. Being awake can make you decide on the final look or shape of your nose once implant is inserted (before stitches are applied). 6. Is there an option to be asleep during surgery? Yes. Additional costing applies. 7. Will there be bruising after? No bruising occurs. Only minimal swelling around the eyes and nose are expected on the 2nd day which disappears on the 4th day. 8. Will there be bandages applied? No bandages. Only small thin plasters over the bridge and tip to stabilize the implant, and to make you aware or conscious you just had a nose lift. 9. When do you remove the stitches? On the 7th day. 10. When can I return back to normal activity like office work? A day after stitch removal. You can actually report for work earlier on the 5th day but you will be wearing face mask. 11. When can I have sports activities? On the 3rd month. 12. What happens when my nose gets accidentally hit? Silicone implant is carved to hug your nose bridge to reduce the incident of displacement. First 2 months of healing is very critical. After this period, implant is expected to have thicker capsule and is thus more stable. Minor displacements may be fixed within 3 days without surgery. 13. When will I see the actual outcome of my nose? Although you will have the idea how your nose will appear immediately after surgery, it will gradually transform over time because of the slight swelling which will eventually disappear. Swelling over the bridge will be out in less than a week. For the tip and lower sides (nostrils), 80-90% over 2 weeks and remaining 10-20% over 2 months. 14. Will there be scar? The incisions are hidden around the rim of both nostrils (inner sides). After stitch removal, incision and suture marks will be invisible in one(1) month. by Dr. Jaafar, Cosmetic Surgeon, The Asian Tropics Center for Aesthetics and Wellness (, QC, Philippines


  1. Goretex Rhinoplasty in the Philippines is becoming popular too, and many have undergone this type of nose implant because then results are great. Plus, the percentage for complications are minimal.

  2. You look pretty before AND after! Thank you for sharing your experience with us.
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